Jesus said, 'Come and see.'JOHN 1:39
To thoroughly equip young people in the Church with the Word of God and with knowledge and skill necessary to enable them to lay a foundation to thrive in life and godliness throughout their lives.
PCYM exists to transform, equip, and build the lives of the youths in church by establishing a firm foundation in faith, rooted and build up in Christ (Col 2:7), and preaching Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 1:23) for a positive impact in society.
To achieve this, PCYM actively engages young people in activities that develop their Christian faith and character; train and grow their talent, skill, vocation, profession and social skills based on the Bible; encounter wholesome social support; and advance God's Kingdom by influencing others to share these experiences.
The Teens' ministry comprises of all young people in church between 13 to 19 years.
The Youth comprises of those from 19 years to 35 years and who willingly participate in the programmes and activities of the Youth.
In order to serve and realize the above, the youth members annually elect individuals from among themselves to help provide leadership and coordination for their programs and activities.
For more information or Join the Youth Ministry
[19] Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
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